Friday, June 13, 2008

Hair Ku: two cuties

Haiku Friday

Quick buzz for summer.
The clippers must tickle him.
He smiled the whole time.

His new big-boy cut.

Now he looks more like daddy.
I’m a lucky girl.

Have a great weekend!


storyteller said...

What great photographs
of this 'buzz' experience ...
two 'handsome' fellows ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Vanessa said...

Much more amusing than Little Man's first haircut! His hair is still baby short, but the stuff on the crown of his head was like 4 inches long, so we had to cut that off! TOo cute

Anonymous said...

So very, very, very cute!! I loved the pictures and the haiku and that both of your sweeties are looking good :)

Karen Coutu said...

Too cute!!! Both my boys never mind having their hair buzzed, but they never smile like that.

Don Mills Diva said...

Does he ever look like Daddy! What a doll!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking how everything was so dang adorable, then my eye fell on the OSU shirt. That really took away from the adorable...can tell football season's coming, can't you?

Momisodes said...

So cute!!! How very lucky he didn't mind the buzz :) They both look fabulous!

Storytellin' Mama said...

What a cutie pie!!! Great photos!!

Anonymous said...

you are a lucky girl! I love when little boys get big boy haircuts.

Burgh Baby said...

He really does look like his dad! Adorable!

Beth from the Funny Farm said...

I hope he had a great Father's day!